Archive for the ‘Running’ category

Edge of Endurance…

October 27, 2009

Well, let me tell you I know they say “You can do all things…” but I really do believe it.  I had a 14 mile run this weekend and I completed it in the rain.  I am so proud of myself it feels like I did the whole marathon and I am only half way there. Of course it was the hardest run I have had to date but I made it through. Now yes I did walk at times but that is part of the training for a person that is not a runner like me doing their first marathon.

It took all that I could to get out of bed because of course my team was running Sunday and I needed to run on Saturday. My knee was just starting to get better but there was nothing in me that wanted to run. I was running through every excuse in the book. But I know they are “the tools of the week and incompetent “, so I got out of bed. I tried to go to the mall and run to avoid the rain but once I got to the door and saw all those people dressed for work and I looked like a rag doll I could not bring myself to go inside.  So it was outside all the way for me.  At least outside I blend in but I just could not bring myself to run past Nordstrom looking like that. Oh no!!!

Off to the park I went and as I was parking I saw one of my teammates out there running. I was so excited that I ran the opposite way just to catch her in the loop. God is so good because I needed that little extra push. We ran, talked and encouraged each other for the next five or six mile until we both reached mile seven.  At that point she was done and I was on my own for another seven miles. I started out strong until the wall hit.

The wall was around mile 10/11.  All of a sudden everything got tight and I was not sure I could do it.  Then all of a sudden my teammate drove by on her way home to give me one last bit of encouragement. It was just what I needed to get me going. Well that or I could not let her see me quit. Either way it was enough to carry me all the way to the last mile. And when I hit mile 14 I was out of gas.  I struggled just to finish. I think I ran ten steps and walked twenty the whole last mile. But you know what I did not care at least I finished. I said it does not matter if I run, walk, crawl or roll across the finish I’ll make it.

This experience is truly changing my life. I have started to live my life on the “Edge of Endurance.”  Push yourself to your limit and then go one mile future. Even when you don’t believe in yourself there will be someone to inspire you on to greatness.


The Come Back…

October 12, 2009

It is really hard to press through the pain and come back to full speed after you have taken a break but thanks to my wonderful support system I am back. I had gotten to the point where I was not feeling well and other priorities in life kept me from running. Then when I tried to go back to full scale training I could barely run two miles. At that point I got depressed and felt like I did not have what it takes to press on. However I focused my energy and got out there and ran.

And boy let me tell you when I say ran I mean ran. I started back slowly and ran two miles on Monday. It was not great but I had to answer nature when it called (more like screamed) and cut my four mile run short. No worries at least I got out there. On Wednesday I was all ready to run until I stepped outside in the 40 mile per hour winds. Not the ideal conditions, so I ran on the treadmill. This is my least favor way to train but I was not going to hide behind an excuse not to run. And then on Thursday I had a friend of mine join me to keep me motivated so I was able to finish all four miles outside. So back up to 10 miles a week I was on my way.

Saturday was the big day a 12 mile run. So I made a plan of how I was going to run. Not to mention that my team that I run with was going to run on Sunday and I had a conflict so there I was all by myself just me and God. I started out horrible. That first mile felt like the very first mile I had ever run but I kept going. I got into a rhythm all the way until nature called again at about mile 3.5. A small detour and I was off again. I surprised myself this time. I was rolling strong all the way up to about mile 9.5. At that point I started to get tired and needed to dig deep.

When I hit mile 10 that was my wall, it seemed as if I had nothing left to give. I had to really call on the Lord to get me through. I starting setting small goals like if I can just make it to the stop sign or if I can just make it to the end of the street. I kept doing that until I rounded the corner for home. Then all of a sudden I got a second wind when I could see the finish. I got this determination look on my face and just pushed and fought my way through. All I could think about was all those who I am running for and I hit my 12 mile goal.

Always remember no matter how impossible the overall goal seems if you break it down into small goals and remember you are never running your race alone you can achieve anything!



September 28, 2009

Isn’t it interesting how once we meet a goal, we tend to slack off afterwards? Well, similar to Yvette.  I reached 8 miles in my training and I begin to slack off a bit.  The weather is starting to break, my birthday was this weekend and I just didn’t feel like running.  The challenge of life.  Doing something when you don’t want to,  but in the end those are the most rewarding.

I found that sometimes you do need a small break and things in life happens.  The most important part is that you continue again.  I did have a small hiatus for the past couple days but I will be back on the map this week!  Always continue to set goals for yourself.  Your goals are your finish lines…if you have no finish lines you aren’t running…if you aren’t running/walking…then you are moving…make sure you are always moving for something and not watching everyone else move around you.


Running Slump………

September 23, 2009

I have definitely hit a slump in my training. I have been in training for the last five weeks and I must say I have been pretty good until now. It really does not take much to distract me or break me from my regular routine. I had to move my weekend run this Sat to another day due to a personal commitment and boy did it through me off. I was up really late this weekend and did not get all my needed rest. From there I had every excuse in the book: I’m tired, I don’t feel well, it’s too hot out, it’s too dark and the list can go on and on. But at the end of the day I am just cheating myself and all the people that I am running for.

I just have to dig deep and find a way to press past this slump and find my motivation again. I started this mission and I refuse to give up. Plus I have come this far and I am actually starting to see results. My clothes are fitting a bit loser in that waste and I think I am starting to reverse some of the effects of gravity. In addition my overall healthy is better and I love the sense of accomplishment once I complete a long run.

I guess it is only natural to get down and fall into a slump every once and a while. I will borrow a quote from a great movie. “Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.”–Thomas Wayne


New Challenges…..

September 13, 2009

I have hit a new goal in my training. On Saturday I ran 10 miles. That’s right I said 10 miles. I could have never imagined that I could run ten miles. Now let’s be clear I am not going to win an Olympic medal at the speed I am running but at least I am hitting all of the goals that I set for myself. I am so proud that I am able to keep up with the training as much as possible and I am still focused.

The run on Sat was the most difficult that I have ever had. My body felt pretty good but I hit a real mental block around mile six. I ran the first 5.5 mile with the two other women in my club but after that I was on my own. And that is when the real determination had to kick in. In life when you see other people hit their goals you often find yourself wondering if you can stop at that point as well. But I am here to share with you that the answer is no. Every goal must be personal and right for you. So I set off to finish my last 4 miles all by myself.

It was extremely hard to dig deep and keep pushing but I just kept putting one foot in front of the other until I hit the finish line. I also had to take a few walk breaks in between but I never gave up. No matter how hard or unattainable your goals just remember I am out there not only running for me but for all those who dare to keep going and reach a stretch goal!


The Truth

September 1, 2009

You know…I have only been training for the marathon for about a month now but the return on investment has been interesting.  I believe that you never really know your true self until you face challenges that will truly stretch you and make you grow. 

Although this is for a good cause and the marathon is in a nice location, this is definitely a life investment.  It gets rough when you are pressed for time and you may not want to train.  Or when you have been running for a few miles and your legs feel like bricks and you want to stop.  Or when it gets difficult to fund raise because you are new to your community and people are not sure if they want to invest in you. 

I am seeing what I am made of now.  Do I stop because things are just too “difficult” or do I continue to press until I have given it all I’ve got?  It’s so easy to drop the things in life that don’t come after a little work.  We make up some reason for why it didn’t work when really we should probably evaluate what we’ve done so far to determine if it has been a true effort. 

What would you do?


It Gets Rough….

September 1, 2009

Well I think I hit a wall. Once I returned from my business trip it of course was time to run, a Saturday long run. The goal for that week was six miles. Now keep in mind that I really tried to keep up my training while I was traveling but having dinner until after 11:00 at night did not help at all. But I thought I would be fine just because I really wanted it to be that way. But let me share with you that it was not. You just simply cannot cheat your workouts and expect to win.

I woke up to yet another rainy Saturday morning and the humidity was very high. It reminded me of one of those cartoons where you can just cut a square of the fog out so that you can see. I grabbed my bagel and off to the park I went. I got there and the “Usual Suspects” were there my two training coaches, the couple running for their daughter with leukemia, the guy with all the nice tattoos and a few new faces. I started off strong just like any other day and mile one was fine. I started mile two and it was a little harder to breath but I was fine. By the end of mile two I had a cramp in my side and a pebble in my shoe. I was fading fast so I stopped to fix my shoe as the other runners went on. As I bent down my vision got blurry and I could hardly tell which way was up. I was in trouble.

I decided to walk mile three to give my body time to recover. Then I caught a bit of a second wind and ran mile four. I felt like that was all I had to give. But I still had to more miles to go. I thought about giving up but quickly remembered that stopping short was not an option. I said to myself even if I have to walk the last two miles I’m going to finish.  And that is what I did. For the last two mile I did a combination 50/50 split of walking and running.

I learned that no matter how slow you go the most important part is hitting your goal. Because it the end of the day I am running for something so much bigger than I am.


Training Must Go On….

August 24, 2009

Discipline is such a very important part of training.  Once you make this type of commitment is it vital that you stick to it. Not only for the excellent cause that you’re trying to fight but also to your body. In just a little over a week I can feel a difference in my energy level. I also get a great sense of accomplishment once I finish the distance that I set out to run.

So for this week my training plan has to be a bit altered since I am traveling for work. I landed in Denmark this morning and as soon as I got off the plane I was off to the hotel and to figure out where I could run.  Now don’t get me wrong I am first and foremost here for business but I also have to make sure I keep up my training. But much to my surprise my team was more than happy to walk with me during the day to get around instead of taking a cab to support my training. Also I was able to run behind my hotel along the water and observe the amazing views of the harbor. The most important part of training is to make sure you are safe both from a location to run and how hard you train.

Now I know it is easier to make excuses that find a creative way to get in your work out but remember this. Excuses are the tools of the week and incompetent that builds monuments of nothing and bridges to nowhere.



True Commitment…..

August 22, 2009

Well it has officially been a week since the training started and I am feeling pretty good. Last week at this time I could barely walk and today I am moving just fine. But let me tell you how my day started. I rolled out of bed at 6:00 am and noticed that it was pitch black outside.  Hmmm I wondered why. And as I looked outside my window I realized it was pouring down raining. So I jumped back in bed and thought I was going to get a pass on this weekend’s run. But that little voice inside said hey text your coach and make sure. And of course his response when I asked him about the rain he replied “Yes we run.”  At that point I had a decision to make. Do I crawl back in bed and stay dry or do I get dressed knowing that I will be soaking wet and dripping after my run. But you know what I made a commitment at the beginning of this and I am determined to see it through. No matter what sun, rain or snow.

Once I got to the track I realized I was only one of three runners to show up from my team. I guess everyone else was at home in the bed nice and dry. Oh well I was determined to give it my best. I started off on my five mile run for the day. Now don’t get me wrong I was behind the rest of the pack (the other two runners and my two coaches) but I never gave up. I decided to run my own race at my pace. I refused to be intimidated by anything or anyone around me. Now on my way around the river it continued to rain and at times it poured but I kept going. I went down the path, up the hill and even jumped over the huge puddles. I refused to let the obstacles that were in front of me keep me from reaching my goal. And when it got hard I had to dig deep and remember why I was running, for all those that are suffering and would love nothing more than to be out there running.

As I rounded the last curve I could see my team mates just in front of me and they started to cheer me home. There were high fives all around. I did it and it felt great. Now my hair and my clothes were not so happy. I was soaked from head to toe and my hair looks like a Q-tip. Trust me I will be working on it all day to restore my usual swing action.

No matter the storm never give up…..


Stay Encouraged…

August 19, 2009

Here I am…another team training 3 miles to run.  I hoped that these 3 miles would be easier than those on Saturday.  Needless to say..the schedule they ask us to stick to actually works!  Despite the fact that I told myself over and over the entire time I was running to not stop moving, I ran the whole time.  After finishing, I wanted to lay in the ground I was so tired but I felt so energized at the same time.  It is amazing what you can endure when you really focus on the positive.

Anywho, along with that I have been given a few “tips” about running.  So, clearly I have the wrong gear. Cotton, cotton and cotton.  They told me that cotton is rotten…it doesn’t allow your skin to breath while running that includes undergarments!  Also,  evidently running in designer shades isnt to cool either, I suggest those hip sport shades that you think are super ugly…ironically they seem to work out better.  Make sure your toenails are clipped!! I know that may sound gross but your feet will love you if you do.  As you run, your feet press against your shoe and over time, the nails can interfere and potential cut your skin.

Nonetheless…in all that you do in life…stay encouraged!
